
CPU Benchmarks

Over 1,000,000 CPUs Benchmarked

Year on Year Performance

This graph showing year on year performance is made up of thousands of PerformanceTest benchmark results and is updated bi-weekly (i.e. every two weeks). The chart is composed of data from PerformanceTest V5 to the V11. PerformanceTest V8 (released 2012) was the first version to collect single thread performance. The different data series can be enabled or disabled by checking the corresponding checkboxes below the graph.

Year on Year Performance

Updated 28th of February 2025


  • This graph counts the baselines submitted to us during these time period and therefore is representative of CPUs tested during this time.
  • The years are by the calendar year. (i.e. starts January 1st and ends December 31st)
  • Baselines can be submitted from anywhere therefore these are global statistics.
  • This chart only includes CPUs installed into PCs and does not include game consoles.
  • Prior to 2021...
    • ...this chart only includes x86 processors and does not include other chip architectures. ARM processors are included from 2021 onwards.
    • ...PerformanceTest software only runs on Windows OS and counts on user submitting their benchmarks. This chart may be non reflective of non Windows user base before this date. PerformanceTest CPU Tests were Standardized across platforms (Windows, Linux, Mobile) in 2021.
  • As the chart is updated bi-weekly, but the data point that may change is for the current year. The first few days or weeks of a new year are less accurate compared to the end of a year.
  • The chart is composed of data from PerformanceTest V5 to the V11. PerformanceTest V8 (released 2012) was the first version to record single thread performance.

Top CPU Performance to Date

Updated 28th of February 2025

  • This graph shows the average of the top performing CPU to date within the Calendar Year submitted by users.
  • The years are by the calendar year. (i.e. starts January 1st and ends December 31st)
  • Baselines can be submitted from anywhere therefore these are global statistics.
  • This chart only includes CPUs installed into PCs and does not include game consoles.
  • Prior to 2021...
    • ...this chart only includes x86 processors and does not include other chip architectures. ARM processors are included from 2021 onwards.
    • ...PerformanceTest software only runs on Windows OS and counts on user submitting their benchmarks. This chart may be non reflective of non Windows user base before this date. PerformanceTest CPU Tests were Standardized across platforms (Windows, Linux, Mobile) in 2021.
  • As the chart is updated bi-weekly, but the data point that may change is for the current year. The first few days or weeks of a new year are less accurate compared to the end of a year.
  • The chart is composed of data from PerformanceTest V8 to the V11.