Over 1,000,000 CPUs Benchmarked
Below is a list of all single and multiple socket CPU types that appear in the charts. By clicking the column headings you can sort the CPUs, you can also filter your search by selecting one of the drop down categories or by using the range sliders. Clicking on a specific processor name will take you to the chart it appears in and will highlight it for you.
Last Updated: 11th of March 2025
CPU Name |
Number of Sockets |
Cores - |
Price1 | CPU Mark - |
CPU Value2 | Thread Mark - |
Thread Value3 | TDP (W) - |
Power Perf.4 | Test Date5 | Socket |
Category |
1 Price is obtained from our affiliates. '*' after the price denotes the last
seen price for products that are no longer available.
2 CPU Value is calculated by taking CPU Mark / Price.
3 Single Thread Value is calculated by taking Single Thread CPU Mark / Price.
4 Power Performance is calculated by taking CPU Mark / TDP.
5 Test Date is the date of our first benchmark submission.